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» Hydra Nemesis Turbo Timer Option Installation

The turbo timer allows the Nemesis to provide for a minimum amount of time for the engine to idle so that the engine oil and coolant can cool down the turbo from the last time the throttle was opened. The turbo timer option consists of a relay with four wires attached. Before installing the turbo timer, disconnect the battery from the electrical system.

If the turbo timer relay is not already connected to the plug and play harness, you must connect it at this time. Unplug the small gray connector from the right side of the Nemesis unit. Using a small flat-bladed screwdriver, carefully remove the clip from the 'B' row of the small grey connector. This is the clip that does not have the latch. Then, insert the pin of the white wire from the turbo timer relay (pin 86 on relay) into pin B4 of the gray connector and reinsert the clip. Push the two connectors back into their sockets until they click into place. Connect the Blue wire from the turbo timer relay (pin 30 on the relay) to the "BATT" wire coming from the plug and play box. The wires come with spade connectors to make this connection easy to make.

Locate a suitable place to locate the turbo timer relay near the Hydra Nemesis 2 unit and secure it with electrical tape, a zip-type or a self-tapping screw. There are two remaining wires coming from the relay. The longer, black wire (pin 85 on relay) needs to be routed into the passenger cabin along the same path as the laptop serial cable. Once in the passenger cabin, you will need to remove the center console between the two seats and splice the black wire into the red wire with a black stripe going to the emergency brake switch as shown below. Either solder the wire or use one of the taps provided to splice into the brake switch wire.

The final wire from the relay is a yellow wire (pin 87 on the relay) and this needs to be routed into the engine bay and into the engine bay fuse box. Remove the bolts holding the fuse box and unclip the plastic clip so that you can pull the fuse box aside enough to access the bottom panel covering the fuse box. Remove the bottom cover to expose the wires inside the lower section of the engine bay fuse box. Locate one of the black wires with an orange stripe and splice the yellow wire to it. Either solder the wire or use one of the taps provided. Put the cover back on and re-clip and re-bolt the fuse box back to its normal location.

The wiring is now complete. Reconnect the battery to the car's electrical system. To adjust the turbo timer wait, connect the laptop and upload the current settings. On 2.1 through 2.5 Nemesis units: go to 'Select->Outputs' and press the 'PWM5' button. On 2.6 Nemesis units: go to 'Settings1->Setup Options'. On 2.7 Nemesis units: go to 'Settings' -> 'Output Control Settings'. You can program the number of seconds that you want the engine to idle in the box and press 'Enter' or click 'Apply' to update the value in the Hydra Nemesis 2 unit. Note in the 2.7 Hydra the Turbo timer is a "smart" turbo timer. The 2.7's maximum turbo timer period is a maxiumum time, and the Hydra will continuously evaluate your driving to run the turbo timer period up or down based on how aggressively you drive up to your maximum time setting.

When the engine is started and run and the ignition turned off, the turbo timer will activate only if the emergency brake lever is pulled up. If the brake lever is released at any time, the engine will stop immediately. While the turbo timer is activated, the radiator fan(s) will turn on.


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