Coolant Flush 10/9/2001
Pat decided to use Evan's NPG+ as a coolant in hopes of preventing detonation that chronically plagues 3SGTE's when they reach the 300 rear wheel horsepower limit. Pat is going to be using a GT-30 Turbo Kit from Extreme Boost, and he intends to run around 300rwhp with it.
In order to switch from regular antifreeze/water (Ethyl Glycol system) to a non aqueous NPG+ (Propylene Glycol system), you must get rid of 100% of the H20 in the old system. In order to do this we decided to flush the system out 2 times, first wih Sierra brand coolant (Proplyene Glycol also) to flush out the old antifreeze/water, and second use the NPG+ to flush out the Sierra. You can get Sierra from most auto parts stores. We reccomend 4 gallons, so you have a little left over in case of a spill, or a leak, etc. Also please note that you need to run NPG+ with a 160 degree thermostat in order to have temperatures that are close to stock. See this page for more info Water Temp Testing
1st, source the 2 service hoses from behind the spare tire rear cover. These should be in your car, if not, go and get a few feet of hose from a Home Depot type store.
The 1st hose goes on the Radiator service valve.
We used tape to hold it vertical.
The 2nd hose goes on the heater core system service valve. Suspend it just like the 1st hose.
Your car should look a little like this.
Drain coolant: 1st, pull the pressure cap off in the engine bay to allow the coolant to flow more easily. Now, reach under the car near the passenger side of the radiator facing forward. Place any type of hose over the radiator drain, and unscrew the valve with your thumb and strongest finger, and drain the coolant into a garbage bag lined bucket, or other safe coolant storage sytem.
Now, it's time to undo the two service hose valves. Loosen the 1st valve (radiator top) with your hand until coolant begins to run up the service hose. The 2nd valve can be opened by turning the white plastic knob with a broad flathead screwdriver. Turn it as the 1st one until coolant rises up the hose. Leave them both open until the entire flush procedure is complete.
Now, jack the rear of the car up pretty high to make your life easier. Be safe and use jackstands.
Looks like it's doing a kickout to me.
Underneath the car, remove the mid rear plastic under carriage cover. Their are a few 10mm bolts and one nut.
Here are the two 12mm mid system drains. Place the bucket under them, and we reccomend you wear eye protection, and close your mouth as you loosen each :)
Finally, underneath the engine, there is a 14mm drain bolt. It is located underneath the turbo VSV (you know, the thing you plugged to get your boost controller to work!)
Now we are ready to flush the heater core system. This is vital for a complete system flush. To make things easier, we suggest you pull your intake off near the turbo.
Remember to remove the connector from the AFM at the clip, and not the two screws, otherwise you'll be destroying an expensive ($750?) piece of hardware.
Now would be a great time to clean or replace your filter.